Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States. One half of the four million people with glaucoma in the United States are unaware of their condition. For this reason, during your comprehensive eye exam, additional glaucoma tests might be done. Glaucoma is a slowly progressive deterioration of the optic nerve that can lead to severe loss of vision.
The risks factors for glaucoma include family history, age, diabetes, race and nearsightedness. Damage to the optic nerve will lead to loss of peripheral vision. These blind spots typically go unnoticed. Without early detection from a glaucoma test and early treatment, glaucoma can completely destroy the optic nerve and cause blindness. At Bagan Strinden Vision, we have high tech equipment that can pick up the optic nerve changes of glaucoma up to 5 years before noticeable loss of vision. This allows for early detection and treatment.
Q: Why do I need a glaucoma test when I get my eyes checked? That puff of air always makes me flinch.
A: Our accurate measurement of your eye pressure does not use a puff of air. Glaucoma is a disease without symptoms and is slowly progressive. Glaucoma needs early diagnosis and treatment to prevent blindness. It is the third leading cause of blindness and half of the people in the US with glaucoma do not know it. We have the latest technology to pick up glaucoma at its earliest stages.